Tuesday, November 30, 2010

book cover

I didn't like the shadow of girl so I decided to remove it.
I rather not have summary on the back because the cover looks more simple and clean but I wasn't sure if I needed it to have it or not. if we need to have it then I think I can edit it more to make it better.

Monday, November 22, 2010

process of Jellicoeroad

Still in processing...I am thinking this cover may seem too bright for the book (?)

The main character of this book is Taylor and she had difficult childhood. She is depress, emotional and confused a lot of times. Taylor already has many problems she is dealing with and top of that she is going through territory war between the boarders, the townies (kids from the Jellicoe Town).
With Taylor's character I stayed away from big
bold font and I try to choose something that shows her personality which I went with jellyka.

Original book cover

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


After critique on tuesday I felt like I didn't understand the assignment correctly so I decided to edit few things. I am sure I can edit more to make it better...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Early Letter-OMEGA (After editing earlier designs)

Greek Alphabet is not just alphabet like any other country alphabets. This twenty-four set alphabet is not only used for writing system but it is used for many different things in many places. Some has universal meaning. Reason for that is it is the first and the oldest alphabet. Today Greek alphabet is used for symbols in mathematics, science, name of groups (military, sororities) star names, and other purposes. The letter I pick is Omega, which is the last letter of the alphabet. Omega is used for many different symbols. Omega is usually used in the bible with Alpha which means the beginning and last. Omega also means “great O”. Omega is used in chemistry, mathematics, physics, and computer science.

Type arrangements

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Project 1: Early letterform

Greek Alphabet is not just alphabet like any other country alphabets. This twenty-four set alphabet is not only used for writing system but it is used for many different things in many places. Some has universal meaning. Reason for that is it is the first and the oldest alphabet. Today Greek alphabet is used for symbols in mathematics, science, name of groups (military, sororities) star names, and other purposes. The letter I pick is Omega, which is the last letter of the alphabet. Omega is used for many different symbols. Omega is usually used in the bible with Alpha which means the beginning and last. Omega also means “great O”. Omega is used in chemistry, mathematics, physics, and computer science.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010